December 10, 2020

Confronting Legacies of Policing and Violence

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Recent years have seen increasingly urgent and contentious efforts to confront the living legacies of policing and violence. From this past summer’s global protests in the wake of the murders of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, to localized calls to reform, refund, or abolish the police, conversations about policing are reshaping national and international politics. This December’s Thought on Tap panel will provide a chance to reflect on the complex relationships between policing and violence. From the rippling impacts of the war on drugs, to racial disparities in the American criminal justice system and recent efforts to reform policing in Northern Nevada, the conversation will help us all better understand, confront, and (hopefully) overcome these legacies.

Join us on Thursday, December 10, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. to listen to an illustrious panel of experts on these questions and more, shortly after what is sure to be one of the most dramatic elections in U.S. history.


Callum Ingram, Assistant Professor of Political Science


Laura Blume, Ph.D – Assistant Professor of Political Science

Paulina Pride – Chief Justice of the ASUN

Adam Dunbar, Ph.D – Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice